Welcome Runners!
16 Aug 2015 by Julie Shuck
Welcome to our Team App! Team App is a tool for our club to use to communicate training runs and race calendar, create a membership roster, post news and information, post photos to share with the group and start discussions via the chat feature. The App is easy to use and can be downloaded to your smart phone. With notifications turned ON, it will send push notifications to your phone when new items are posted OR if you turn notifications OFF, you will receive email notifications instead.
News- Club Captain can use this to post major news and information regarding the Club.
Events- All members can use this feature. It is a good place to post your races and training runs and request others to RSVP if they plan to participate.
Chat- All members can use this feature. This is a good place to ask questions or get advise from other runners. Notifications can be turned on or off for a particular chat topic.
Photos: All members can use this feature.
Documents- All members can use this feature. Course maps and registration forms can be placed here along with any other documents that need to be shared.
Thanks for joining us!