Beginner and Intermediate Run/Walk Workout
Wed, 15 Jun 2016
from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Recurring every Wednesday
by Julie Shuck
Hendersonville High School Hendersonville TN
Beginner Workouts will be every Wednesday night at 6pm on the HHS track. The weather is finally looking nice. I have had several ask me about getting this started back up so… lets do it! Please take time to RSVP so that I know to expect you. I will do a workout that will be for both walkers and runners of all paces and ages (usually kids do well age 8 and up). You can bring your whole family. Just make sure that all children stay off the field and understand the track rules, as it can be busy during the spring and summer evenings.
The workouts will be 3 to 2 miles in length and last about one hour including stretching and an occasional strength session as the end if you feel like some extra. Please join me. Bring water and a good attitude!
If you have any questions or comments, fell free to contact me via text or phone call at 615-948-2068.
Julie Shuck
The workouts will be 3 to 2 miles in length and last about one hour including stretching and an occasional strength session as the end if you feel like some extra. Please join me. Bring water and a good attitude!
If you have any questions or comments, fell free to contact me via text or phone call at 615-948-2068.
Julie Shuck